He uses a great deal of words to say that he just doesn't like the prospect of competing with outsiders to his industry.

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But bugs are delicious!

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Bugs are a superior, high-tiered survivalist meat known only by those men who aren't so coddled by the fake-hormone loaded cow industry that seeks to turn men into masticating mammary-mamas fit for control and subjugation by an ascendant globalist world order that craves docile men. Few of the world's mollycoddled mammary-boys will have the resolve to eat an insect, many of them have been reduced to prancing elves who would undoubtedly faint at the sight of a spider and go "eww, yuck!" like little princesses waiting for daddy to tuck them in at the prospect of such a prototypically boyish ritual as eating something with more than 4 legs.

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